Fruit Fly Behavior
Observe fruit flies as models of many fundamental biological phenomena

The fruit fly, or more accurately the vinegar fly, may be most well-known for its attraction to the acetic acid produced by rotting fruit in your kitchen. These flies are very small, live their full life in less than 40 days, and do many familiar behaviors, including sleeping, finding a mate, and searching for food. Within this resource, you can learn more about fruit flies and their behaviors, try out some fun activities, and dive into lots of information for you to raise and study fruit flies in your own classroom or even at home.
Choose a Level
At a glance
- Life Science,
- Behavior,
- Evolution,
- Genetics,
- Neuroscience,
- Organismal Biology,
- Scientific Process & Ethics,
- History of Science,
- Scientific Methodology,
- Styles of Scientific Reasoning,
- Categorization & Classification,
- Experimental Evaluation,
- Historical-based Evolutionary Reasoning
Materials Required
- Corner Store Materials,
- Everyday Materials