June 17: Contact tracing and case isolation for containing COVID-19 spread

This webinar has been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 17, 2020 @ 3:30pm ET in observance of #ShutDownSTEM for #BlackLivesMatter.
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We live in a global society, where travel is the norm. Over the past few months, most of the world has been adhering to some degree of social distancing measures. Despite the fact that we have not yet identified a vaccine or therapeutic for COVID-19, many locations are beginning to reopen. This reality requires that we remain vigilant and on the lookout for future COVID-19 outbreaks. For our last D4P webinar of the academic year, our D4P fellows Devany West and Anna Kolstad will take us through “Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts,” published in the Lancet Global Health journal in February of 2020. Here, we will discuss insights into a model that takes into consideration contact tracing efforts and case isolation to help contain the spread of a nascent COVID-19 outbreak.
About our D4P Fellows:
Anna Kolstad (she/her), Research Assistant @ Mount Sinai
Anna is a research assistant at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, originally hailing from Massachusetts. She has a background in engineering and a fascination with the nervous system. In her current laboratory she is using new imaging techniques to study structural and anatomical organization of the brain. She is often astounded by the beauty and complexity of the structures she sees! Outside of the lab Anna loves reading novels, traveling, and spending time in the outdoors.
Devany West (she/her), Graduate Student @ The Rockefeller University
Devany West is a graduate fellow at The Rockefeller University where she specializes in Biophysics research. Outside of science, Devany enjoys participating in dance classes that range in genre from ballet to hip-hop. She also loves playing music, writing fiction and seeing live shows.