Tonique S.
A rising senior from Claredon, Jamaica, Tonique spent a summer in NYC exploring the world of protein interactions and biomedical research through the SSRP!

Tonique, an aspiring cardiothoracic surgeon and biomedical researcher, wanted to learn more about bench research. She was a part of the SSRP 2024 cohort, where she researched protein interactions, developed a wide array of lab skills and met fellow driven researchers. Here, she goes into detail about everything she loved about the SSRP!
What were you hoping to gain from the SSRP program?
“I was hoping to gain more knowledge about the field of biomedical research, as well as obtain hands-on lab experience”
How has your participation in the program impacted your interest in science/research?
“I have developed a passion for biomedical research and vaccine development through talks given by Leigh Baxt and participation in my project with my lab partner.”
SSRP has made me more adaptable to the challenges that life may bring, and gave me a greater appreciation for life and its inner workings.

Tonique with a fellow SSRP student at the end of program poster presentation.
What advice would you give to incoming SSRP students to help them make the most of their time?
“I would advise students to come with an open mind, and to take good notes!”
Favorite Memory from SSRP?
“When we were doing a protein purification , the liquid took so long to flow through the nickel sepharose resin, and since we had to do that multiple times so we could get samples for our SDS PAGE gel, we decided to create a little wheel of things to do while the liquid dripped out. We did so many things: from college prep to making slime, all while purifying a protein.”
Tonique was a part of the Protein Pioneers: Into the Virion track, where she explored the inhibition of SARS-COV-2 NSP-13 by Punicalagin.