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Anoosha Banerjee

Anoosha is an SSRP fellow who will be working on creating and co-leading a research track for the SSRP. Here, she talks about looking forward to working with all the different students this year!

Anoosha is a current second year graduate student in the Darst-Campbell lab, where she studies structural biology. This year, Anoosha will be serving as an SSRP fellow, where she will help create and co-lead a research track with another SSRP fellow. Below, she talks about her excitement for the program!

Where were you before Rockefeller?

“I did my undergrad in biochemistry at Barnard College.”

What is something you did recently that you are proud of?

“Just did a western blot that looks REALLY pretty! It’s MoMA worthy 😮”

Share one thing about science that brings you joy.

“Having an aesthetically pleasing lab notebook: it rarely happens but when it does it’s *chef’s kiss*”

Outside of your research and science, what do you do for fun?

“I love to cook, go for walks, and smother my two cats with unreciprocated affection”

What are you most looking forward to when mentoring students with RockEDU?

“Building community!”

What advice would you give to incoming students?

“As you learn and grow as a scientist, share what you learn with a friend or family member! Scientific advancements are more impactful if the communities we are in understand their value and can benefit from them as well.”

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