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Luz Jubierre Zapater

Luz is a SSRP Fellow who is working on creating and co-leading a research track for the SSRP. Here, she talks about what she looks forward to in mentoring new students within the SSRP!

Luz is a senior Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Dr. Lorenz Studer, where she works with stem cell models to understand how brain development works. This year, she will be serving as an SSRP Fellow, where she will create and co-lead a neuroscience-based research track for the SSRP. Here, she goes into details about her excitement towards being a part of the SSRP.

Where were you before Rockefeller?

“I did my PhD on Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that arises from neurodevelopment and my postdoc is on how DNA damage affects brain development.”

What is something you did recently that you are proud of?

“I got my Juilliard certificate on Core Musician skills! It was a culmination of the hard work of two years of classes”

Share one thing about science that brings you joy.

“I can’t pick one but I love that science allows me to explore and push knowledge boundaries!”

Outside of your research and science, what do you do for fun?

“I have a deep passion for music, and outside the lab, I dedicate the majority of my time to playing the piano, singing, and immersing myself in concerts. I’ve discovered that music beautifully complements my love for science, as it fosters creativity, a valuable skill to have in science. In addition, I love traveling and I have a big smart Akita dog that makes life much more enjoyable.”

What are you most looking forward to when mentoring students with RockEDU?

“I am looking forward to making people passionate about science, specifically neuroscience. I want our students to learn that science is another way to have fun and it is not just what is usually taught in the classroom setting but a world of possibilities and exploration”

What advice would you give to incoming students?

“Science takes time, and sometimes there is a lot of frustration about failed experiments. I would advise our students that failure only means another opportunity to learn”

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