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Alain Bonny

Alain is a SSRP fellow who is working on creating and co-leading a research track for the SSRP. Here, he talks about his journey in science and his excitement for the SSRP!

Alain is a current postdoctoral fellow at the Fuchs Lab, where he studies stem cell biology. This year, he will be serving as an SSRP Fellow, where he will be working with two other fellows to create and co-lead a research track for the SSRP. Here, he goes into detail about his background in science and what he looks forward to in mentoring students!

Where were you before Rockefeller?

“I studied chemistry at Penn State, did a Masters in Education at Loyola Marymount University in LA while teaching high school physics, then did my PhD at UCSF in biophysics.”

What is something you did recently that you are proud of?

“I recently got engaged!”

Share one thing about science that brings you joy.

“Making hypotheses! It’s so fun to try and fit different scientific puzzle pieces together into one story.”

Outside of your research and science, what do you do for fun?

“I love to travel, cook, and run! I also have a (not so) guilty pleasure of watching reality TV.”

What are you most looking forward to when mentoring students with RockEDU?

“I’m looking forward to meeting everyone and learning from the diverse perspectives they’ll bring when we do science together!”

What advice would you give to incoming students?

“Be open minded, be yourself, and be kind.”

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